Newsreader App

Branding, UX/UI, App Design

Live Website

Designed to be a ‘Pinterest’ like newsreader for people interested in DIY projects (“Do It Yourself”), Spired is a project-focused social app that allows users to discover and organize their favorite content.

white spired logo teal background
teal spired logo white background
Newsreader App
Share with friends
With millions of articles, blogs, & stories to discover, you’ll want to share them with friends!
color block
Blue Lagoon
color block
color block
color block
Rolling Stone
popcorn icon
hamburger icon
leaf icon
welcome page screenshot
welcome page with info filled in screenshot
profile page screenshot
bookmarks on profile page screenshot
people woman follows on profile page screenshot
featured articles on profile screenshot
beauty category article list screenshot
details about an article that was selected screenshot
choosing categories that your interested in screenshot
hamburger menu for different categories screenshot
mockup of two people using the app on thier phones
woman being shown the app from a friend
three phones displaying a mockup of the latest stories page, welcome page, and profile page

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